Genetics, Blindness, and Scrappy, Happy Societies!
The Society finch, also known as the Bengalese finch, is a cute and hardy breed of bird thought to have originated in China. They come in a variety of colors, all dappled with white. Some of them even have fluffy mop tops instead of sleek rounded heads. Because of their silly antics and lively mannerism, […]
Aviary Technician Tales: Bird vs. Balloon
On one particular day, I had just begun the process of cleaning an aviary when a shaft-tail finch escaped from me (the sly guy slipped out the door as I opened it to go in). I distinctly remember my first thought being: No, no! Not today! But despite my mental groaning, the answer was clearly: […]
Aviary Technician Tales: An Unexpected Downside…?
It’s a given that every job has its upsides and downsides. Upside; getting discounts on all the merchandise in store. Downside; cranky customers acting like being sold out of a product is somehow your fault. And so, it goes for every job ever created. I truly believe that. However, when I started working as an […]
The Incredible Egg: Some Fun Easter Traditions
It was no joke; Easter really did arrive on the first of April this year. In trying to prepare for this wonderful holiday with its many rich traditions, I completely forgot to play a prank on anyone until the end of the day; and it ended up being a pretty lame one. I heard later […]
Boys Will Be Boys
Male canaries have a beautiful song, with which they attract a mate. The intricate song is heart warming and amazing to listen to. Recently in a local facility a new female canary was introduced into the aviary. The male canary had been alone for several months since his previous mate had died. The male lit […]
Aviary vs. Wire Cage
When it comes to deciding between a wire cage or a beautiful aviary, here are some reasons to choose the latter: Mess Inside Owning any living creature comes with its own responsibilities. Those who have had a bird before in a wire cage have found they are good at making a mess outside, instead of inside, […]
Bird Spotlight: Green Singers
About these birds There is a finch whose name may confuse you on their looks. The Green Singer Finch actually is a grey and yellow. These birds originated in Africa, and the way to tell the difference between male and female is the the coloring. The male has a brighter shade compared to the duller […]
Birds of a Feather
With the common phrase we naturally view birds sticking to their own. And in most cases this is correct. But there are types of birds which will help other birds out when it comes to caring for the young. Our most common helpful hands in our aviaries tends to be society finch. These birds originated […]
Bird Spotlight: Canaries
The anticipation was palpable. This evening Grandma would meet her bird for the first time. The bird cage, toys and supplies had been carefully washed; food, and fresh millet had been purchased. Grandma wondered aloud what her canary would look like; what to name him; would he like his new home; and how to properly care for the new […]