Technician Tales: Mistaken Identity
My wife and I work as technicians for Bevy of Birdhomes. When it comes to cleaning aviaries, we have an excellent system; I clean and maintain the exterior of the wooden aviary and she climbs inside and works her magic. Our teamwork usually gets the job done fairly quickly, but it’s not always smooth sailing. […]
Aviary Technician Tales: Bird vs. Balloon
On one particular day, I had just begun the process of cleaning an aviary when a shaft-tail finch escaped from me (the sly guy slipped out the door as I opened it to go in). I distinctly remember my first thought being: No, no! Not today! But despite my mental groaning, the answer was clearly: […]
Aviary Technician Tales: An Unexpected Downside…?
It’s a given that every job has its upsides and downsides. Upside; getting discounts on all the merchandise in store. Downside; cranky customers acting like being sold out of a product is somehow your fault. And so, it goes for every job ever created. I truly believe that. However, when I started working as an […]